Sunday 24 November 2013

Grilled Zucchini Roll

There are times when a recipe falls into place so beautifully that you think some greater force must be at work. It is as though a translucent vision of Julia Child, adorned with wings and a halo, floated into my kitchen, laid the ingredients gently in my arms and with a beatific smile, uttered her immortal words, “Bon Appetit!” It could happen. Divine inspiration struck with the sudden appearance of a massive zucchini in my garden. I swear it was not there yesterday. The herbed goat cheese arrived on my doorstep just a few days ago, sent by the generous people at the Ile de France Cheese company. The kalamata olives? Well, olives of all types take up permanent residency in my fridge, regularly replenished as my salt-obsessed palate plows through container after container.Source

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